Squarespace 8.0 release date: When can you expect it?

Is Squarespace is releasing 8.0?

In recent times, a handful of clientele have reached out to me, inquiring about Squarespace 8.0. Considering the unveiling of Squarespace's Fluid Engine in early 2022, there is speculation that the release of version 8.0 might transpire in 2024. Allow me to elucidate my perspective.

Before delving further, it is imperative to clarify that my insights are purely speculative. I lack any internal intelligence on this matter and am offering my conjecture based on my seven years of experience as a Squarespace developer.

Over the years, I have consistently perceived Squarespace as an entity akin to "Apple" in its modus operandi. In other words, they introduce a product when it is impeccably ready for launch, devoid of any forewarning or alerts to the development community, of which I am an integral part. Overnight, something that did not exist becomes a reality.

The absence of prior information about upcoming products or corporate declarations has been a source of frustration, particularly when my clients seek answers. It's disheartening when I find myself unable to furnish them with the desired information.

However, it is worth noting that there has been marked improvement in communication with the developer community in the current year, 2022. This improvement encompasses granting early access to novel features and presenting a more comprehensive roadmap for forthcoming enhancements. Despite the absence of precise dates, having insights into ongoing developments has proven valuable. It is noteworthy that, despite being a Squarespace Circle Member under a non-disclosure agreement (NDA), I may not always be at liberty to divulge all details.

Update from 7 to 7.1

In the bygone year of 2014, Squarespace unleashed version 7.0, a pivotal transformation that catapulted them into the limelight of the do-it-yourself (DIY) community. This fortuitously aligns with the period when I first encountered Squarespace. On a personal note, I believe that after fashioning 7.0, they lingered in a state of dormancy for an extended duration, refraining from substantial enhancements. While not denigrating the quality of their creation, especially considering the contemporary standards, this strategic decision may have repercussions – at least, from my vantage point as a user during that era. Consequently, it prompted contemplation about what lay on the horizon.

Fast forward to the tumultuous year of 2020, Squarespace officially introduced version 7.1, accompanied by sweeping alterations. However, this release proved to be divisive within the Squarespace community, evoking either ardent admiration or vehement disdain. The enormity of the transformation was such that a seamless transition from 7.0 to 7.1 was implausible. To embrace 7.1, one had to embark on a complete reconstruction of their website from the ground up.

While the novel update introduced commendable features, it surprisingly omitted some that users had come to rely upon in the previous iteration, thereby eliciting frustration. Personally, I wholeheartedly embraced 7.1 for all my future endeavors, a commitment made during my participation in the beta phase back in 2019. Undoubtedly, it disrupted the familiar rhythm of my long standing building process. Nevertheless, I adeptly adapted, extracting the utmost utility from its enhancements while navigating the inherent challenges.

How 7.1 Release

Reflecting on the rollout of 7.1, it undeniably left much to be desired, becoming a source of collective frustration within the community. In my estimation, when 7.1 made its debut, it bore the unmistakable imprint of an early beta phase. The landscape was marred by numerous bugs and conspicuous absences of anticipated features that appeared to be on the horizon but had not materialized yet. When coupled with the aforementioned concerns, it cast a shadow over the experiences of many.

I harbor the belief that external pressures from the competitive landscape may have compelled Squarespace to hasten the release of 7.1. The palpable sense of urgency to bring it to fruition sooner rather than later could be attributed to this external influence.

As time elapsed, a positive trajectory emerged, culminating in improvements throughout the year and extending into 2022, notably in their interactions with the development community. The refinement of features became evident, with a gradual incorporation of smaller, yet meaningful, additions.

The erstwhile tentative release now metamorphosed into a more robust and stable iteration, instilling a sense of solidity.

Fluid Engine Update

Marking the advent of the Fluid Engine on July 21, 2022, Squarespace ushered in yet another significant overhaul to their platform. Reminiscent of the initial 7.1 release, this transformative update elicited both admiration and disdain, a dichotomy that resonated widely. Personally, my initial reaction oscillated between awe and apprehension, exclaiming internally, "They've done it again," a sentiment mirrored by many.

However, delving into the intricacies during the beta phase and unraveling its strengths, my sentiments shifted, leaning toward appreciation, albeit not without reservations. In my assessment, the robust qualities of the Fluid Engine are not without their attendant challenges. This nuanced perspective, however, warrants a more detailed exploration in a dedicated post.

My Thinking About Squarespace 8.0

Considering the extensive evolution from the original release of 7.0 in 2014, Squarespace's platform has undergone such profound transformations that it almost feels like an entirely different entity. This prompts the question: why did they abstain from designating it as 8.0? The option to label 7.1 as the revamped 8.0 seemed plausible, especially given the substantial metamorphosis that occurred within the platform. However, the tumultuous launch of 7.1 suggests a strategic decision to refrain from adopting the nomenclature of 8.0, perhaps indicative of a recognition that they were not adequately prepared for such a significant leap.

The nomenclature choice of 7.1 itself struck me as peculiar—an ostensibly new version veiled as a mere feature. When a release of such magnitude impedes the ability to upgrade seamlessly, it raises discernible red flags, at least from my perspective.

Observing the unfolding developments and witnessing the meticulous refinement of nascent features, it appears that Squarespace is gearing up for a transition from 7.1 to 8.0. This strategic move affords them the necessary temporal cushion to unveil the much-anticipated "shiny new toy" without succumbing to undue pressure.

While there are still numerous features undergoing testing and others in the pipeline, the signs point towards an inevitable shift. My speculative estimation is that they will conclude a substantial roadmap spanning through 2023, culminating in a noteworthy release in 2024. And just perhaps, the long-awaited 8.0 might grace the scene, though I harbor reservations about the prospect of it being branded as 7.2—an outcome that would undoubtedly elicit frustration.


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