Website Redesign Will Boost Your Business in 6 Ways

Benifits of Website redesign

In the business world, having a strong online presence isn't just a bonus – it's a must for your growth and success. And at the heart of this online world is your website. Whether people find out about your business through social media, recommendations, online searches, or traditional marketing, they all end up checking your website. It's like the central hub for all your marketing efforts – a really important part.

People make up their minds about your business super fast, like within half a second of landing on your website. That quick impression decides if they stick around to know more or bounce off to look somewhere else. Plus, a whopping 88% of folks won't come back to a website if they had a bad first experience. So, if your website is old-fashioned, hard to use, or just not up to the latest standards, it can seriously hurt your business in the long run.

That's why it's a good idea to give your website a facelift every two to three years. This way, you make sure it follows the latest trends and uses the best practices. It's the smartest move to keep your website offering the best experience, year after year.

1. More Technically Efficient Website

A major advantage of giving your website a makeover is the potential for increased technical efficiency. This involves improvements like quicker loading, streamlined code, and less strain on servers.

By switching your content management system and updating your website's code to meet current standards, you guarantee faster loading times and better compatibility with today's browsers. This way, your website becomes more efficient and user-friendly, ensuring a smoother experience for visitors.

2. More Cohesive Brand Identity

A crucial role your website plays is communicating your brand's message and identity. Maintaining a consistent brand image across your website is key to effectively connecting with your audience and establishing trust.

Various factors may disrupt the consistent brand messaging on your current website:

  • Evolution of Branding: Over time, your brand's messaging and identity may evolve, leaving your website outdated in reflecting the latest branding.

  • Inconsistent Updates: One-off changes made by different individuals over several years can lead to messaging inconsistencies that don't align with your overall brand strategy.

Redesigning your website presents an opportunity to revisit and enhance your brand messaging. During the redesign, you can:

  • Refresh Your Brand Strategy: Ensure it aligns with your current business vision and goals.

  • Revise Color Schemes: Align them with your established brand colors.

  • Craft a Cohesive Brand Story: Ensure every page conveys a unified message.

  • Update Imagery: Reflect your brand more accurately and appeal to your target audience.

The outcome is a website that projects a stronger brand to your audience, significantly boosting your ability to increase brand awareness, foster trust, and convert leads.

3. Improved Site Performance

Having an outdated Content Management System (CMS) can lead to technical glitches on your website. Outdated, cumbersome code might be slowing down your site speed. Broken links could be redirecting visitors to error messages instead of active pages. The website might feature outdated functionality or a subpar navigation structure that doesn't cater to your visitors' needs. All these issues have the potential to seriously hamper your website's performance.

Revamping your website offers a chance to address these concerns and enhance overall performance:

  • Modern CMS Implementation: Opt for a contemporary CMS that employs the latest code.

  • Eliminate Broken Links: Identify and remove any broken links on your website.

  • Optimize Functionality: Reassess your website's functionality to ensure it meets the specific needs of your target audience.

  • Revise Navigation and Content: Overhaul your navigation structure and content strategy to present information in an organized manner, making every page easily accessible.

This comprehensive approach improves your site's performance, providing a markedly enhanced user experience. By doing so, you significantly elevate your website's capability to foster business growth.

4. Better Functionality And Features

A website redesign marks a substantial transformation where you leverage new technologies and trends to enhance the visitor journey. It encompasses alterations to the code, content, structure, and the fundamental operation of your site.

A pivotal advantage of a website redesign lies in the opportunity to introduce numerous functionalities and features that were either absent or previously unattainable, especially if your Content Management System (CMS) lacked support.

These additional features could encompass enhancements to the ecommerce process, refining the content journey, or expanding contact options.

For instance, if you desire to incorporate a chatbot into your site, the redesign process facilitates such integrations.

An upgraded, contemporary website of this nature has the potential to significantly elevate user engagement and boost conversion rates.

5. Improved SEO Results

Good Search Result

Possessing a visually appealing website with rich content and a compelling brand message is valuable, but if your website remains elusive, its potential for business growth is limited. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) emerges as a vital tool to enhance search rankings and drive traffic to your website. Given the constant updates to Google's search algorithms, staying abreast of evolving SEO best practices is imperative. If your current website relies on SEO strategies from several years ago, it might not be optimizing your search engine results effectively.

Redesigning your website presents an opportunity to integrate the latest SEO best practices into the design and development process. This proactive approach enhances your search rankings, increasing visibility among your target audience.

Some strategies to boost SEO during the redesign encompass:

  • Mobile-Friendly Design: Implement a responsive design that adapts seamlessly to all devices (desktop, cell phone, and tablet), ensuring an optimal user experience regardless of the device.

  • Effective Internal Linking: Employ a robust internal linking strategy, facilitating user navigation and guiding Google to prioritize specific pages for targeted keywords.

  • Strategic Keyword Targeting: Identify and concentrate on the most effective keywords, constructing comprehensive pages around these topics.

  • Build a Strong Backlink Profile: Cultivate a robust backlink profile to enhance your website's authority.

  • Modern Code Implementation: Use contemporary code to streamline website performance and enhance load times.

By incorporating these measures, your redesigned website not only improves its SEO but also enhances its potential for attracting and engaging your target audience.

6. Increased Leads and Sales

Increase Sales Result

The paramount objective of every website is to convert visitors into promising leads or actual sales. A redesign provides a crucial opportunity to ensure your website is finely tuned to guide visitors through the sales funnel, maximizing lead conversions and sales.

These conversions can manifest in diverse ways, such as:

  • Scheduling a consultation

  • Sharing an email address or phone number

  • Signing up for an event

  • Trying out a product demo

  • Downloading an eBook

  • Subscribing to an email newsletter series

For those engaged in online product sales, integrating ecommerce functionality into your website proves invaluable. This allows you to boost sales without redirecting visitors elsewhere, significantly enhancing your sales potential.

Through a website redesign, you gain the strategic advantage of placing compelling calls to action (CTAs), online forms, and CTA buttons strategically throughout your website. Optimizing the utilization of these elements can substantially elevate lead generation and drive increased sales.


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