How to Create A Squarespace Email Campaigns Like A pro

Squarespace email campains

Squarespace is a fantastic website builder that makes it easy to create a good-looking and functional website without needing to know a lot about coding or development.

Recently, they've been adding more features to make it an all-in-one online marketing platform. One of these features is Email Campaigns, which lets you manage and send e-newsletters and email campaigns right from your website dashboard.

If you're not sure how to start with Squarespace Email Campaigns or are still deciding if it's right for you, you're in the right place. In this article, we'll guide you through everything you need to know about Squarespace email marketing so you can make the most of the platform.

What Is Squarespace Email Campaigns?

Create Squarespace email Campains

Squarespace introduced the Email Campaigns add-on in 2019, allowing users to handle their email marketing campaigns directly from their Squarespace dashboard by connecting them to their existing Squarespace account.

This integrated email marketing feature provides users with the ability to:

  • Align email campaigns with their existing website, pulling content from on-site blogs and images directly into newsletters.

  • Manage both their website and email campaigns within the same interface.

  • Access detailed analytics that help understand the relationship between site visitors and email subscribers.

While Squarespace's email marketing features may not be as advanced as those of major email campaign platforms like Campaign Monitor, they are well-suited for beginners in email marketing.

Within the add-on, users can access various email templates aligned with different marketing goals, such as "Update" "Sale" or "Announce."

One notable feature is that Squarespace's email templates match the platform's website templates, making it easy to find one that reflects your brand and website. If you want something different, there's an option to create your own email template using the user-friendly drag-and-drop feature that Squarespace is known for.

Squarespace also includes an automation feature, eliminating the need for manual email sending. Additionally, there's a simple Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool that allows users to create unlimited subscriber lists and make notes on specific user profiles.

Decide on the Type of Email You Want to Send

What is your campaign type

Begin by determining your message and goals for your email marketing campaign. Whether you aim to promote a sale or express gratitude to loyal customers, it's crucial to have a clear objective.

Various types of email campaigns include:

  • Transactional Emails: This category covers welcome emails for new subscribers and confirmation emails following a purchase.

  • Promotional Emails: Typically, these messages highlight discounts or new products for email subscribers. They can also be used to promote events or releases.

While these examples are common in ecommerce, email campaigns aren't exclusive to product-selling businesses. For instance, if you're a writer, you can initiate an email newsletter to update your audience about new blog posts or projects.

In Squarespace Email Campaigns, you can click "Create" to decide whether you want to send a "blast email" – individual campaigns to an email list, or create an "automated email" – campaigns set up to send after a specific action on your website.

Create An Email Campaign With Squarespace Templates

Create With Squarespace Template

To access your Squarespace email campaigns, navigate to the Marketing settings in your main menu. The main dashboard provides recent email blast statistics, access to mailing lists, and an overview of sent emails versus drafts.

To create a new email blast, click the 'Create' button at the top of the email campaigns main menu. Here, you'll find a variety of templates to choose from, offering ample options for customization.

Once you've selected a template, explore the customizable features within the "builder." Begin with the Global Styles window to establish your main fonts and sizes, aligning them with your branding.

Creating a Squarespace email blast is akin to crafting a blog post. Integrate content blocks into your design by clicking the '+' sign between template sections. A window of options will appear for you to choose from. You can adjust background, text color, font sizes, and more in the content block settings menu on the right side of your screen. While each section is customizable, ensure cohesion with your overall template design.

Start Your Initial Email Composition

Write Your Email Composition

After settling on the layout that suits you best, it's time to incorporate your email content. In Squarespace Email Campaigns, explore the layouts to find the one that complements your message or opt to create your own by selecting "Start Blank."

Customize your email template in Email Campaigns by incorporating images from your Squarespace account, ensuring consistency with your brand. Utilize existing website images and descriptions or start from scratch.

Craft compelling email copy to make your message stand out. Pay attention to your copy header and subject line for a creative, intriguing, or humorous touch that distinguishes your email in crowded inboxes. 

This approach can positively impact:

  • Open rate: The number of people opening your email.

  • Click-through rate: The number of people clicking on the call to action (CTA) in your email.

  • Unsubscribe rate: The number of people opting in for your digital marketing.

  • Conversion rate: The number of people becoming customers or taking significant actions after clicking through your email.

These metrics gauge the success of your email marketing campaign. Avoid spam-sounding subject lines to prevent being marked as junk mail, which could impact your email deliverability.

Ensure your email design is mobile-friendly. Send a test email to yourself to check its appearance on your device, and optimize images or adjust copy length as necessary.

Target your audience

To establish your initial email list, you have several options: manually input subscribers, import a mailing list from another service, or integrate a subscription form on your website for brand enthusiasts to sign up. Utilize your social media presence by sharing a sign-up link with your followers on those platforms.

Once your email list is complete, determine the target audience for your email campaign. A general update or product promotion may be suitable for your entire mailing list. However, if you're implementing email marketing automation or sending a follow-up email to event attendees, for instance, it's wise to focus on a specific subset of subscribers.

Use Squarespace Analytics To See The Result

After sending your initial marketing email, you can monitor your campaign performance using Squarespace's Email Campaigns Dashboard. For those on a Basic or Advanced Commerce plan, additional insights such as sales generated from an email campaign can be found in the "Traffic Sources" panel within Analytics.

Leverage these analytics to consistently monitor the performance of your various email campaigns. Over time, compare data on conversions and open rates to assess the effectiveness of your email marketing strategy. If you find yourself not meeting your email marketing goals, use this information to make adjustments for your next campaign.


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