5 Stunning Portfolio Layouts for Squarespace Website

Creating a website on Squarespace is indeed user-friendly, but when it comes to customization, a bit of creative thinking is key.

While the pre-built templates serve as excellent starting points, they might feel a bit restrictive. Unleashing the full potential of Squarespace often requires exploring beyond the template's apparent limits.

As someone who has been immersed in Squarespace for years (that's me!), I'm here to share some valuable insights and tricks to help you elevate your site. Today, I want to focus on showcasing your portfolio—a question I frequently encounter. Portfolios are crucial, but their presentation can vary widely; what works for a photographer might not suit a copywriter.

So, I'll guide you through several ways to display your portfolio on Squarespace. With these options, you can choose the one that aligns best with your business and the content of your portfolio!

Utilize Your Current Blog and Organize Your Work with Categories

Organize Blog As Categories

Indeed, this technique might seem straightforward, but it's a personal favorite for portfolio presentation. When leveraging your blog, there are several options available.

This uncomplicated approach is particularly beneficial for individuals who either don't possess or don't require elaborate portfolios.

Launch a Brand-New Blog to Showcase Your Portfolio

Launching Blog As Portfolio

Certainly! Did you know that Squarespace allows you to have multiple blogs on a single site? In fact, you can have as many as you need. Imagine having your regular blog filled with all your typical content, and then adding a new blog specifically designated as your "Portfolio."

Functioning just like a standard blog, this Portfolio blog exclusively showcases your portfolio pieces, offering a clean and organized solution, particularly beneficial for those with extensive portfolios. The ability to add categories within this Portfolio blog aids in further organization. For instance, if you're a photographer, you could categorize your work into sections like Weddings, Portraits, Engagements, and more.

This approach not only provides a neat way to display numerous pieces but also offers flexibility. Each Portfolio blog post allows you to include varying amounts of information—whether it's paragraphs of text describing the project, images, galleries, videos, or anything else you deem relevant. It's a versatile solution tailored to your specific needs.

Develop a Multi-Sectioned Index Page Highlighting Distinct Portfolios

It exudes a sleek and aesthetically pleasing vibe, functioning seamlessly. However, one potential drawback arises if you have substantial text or content for a single portfolio piece, as it may result in larger sections. This style of a portfolio page tends to shine when dealing with less content.

  • For Squarespace 7.0 users, it's important to note that this technique is exclusive to the Brine Family. On the other hand, for those on Squarespace 7.1, this method is applicable across any template.

  • To implement this approach, begin by crafting a top section featuring distinct thumbnails for each project. Next, create individual index page sections (or regular page sections for 7.0 users) for each project. Visual separation can be achieved through diverse background colors, and you have the freedom to incorporate various elements like gallery blocks, videos, and text within these sections.

  • To ensure seamless navigation, leverage Anchor-Links, those handy links that swiftly transport visitors to different sections of the page. If you're unfamiliar with creating these links, refer to a comprehensive video tutorial on crafting anchor links in Squarespace 7.1 and 7.0.

  • Link the thumbnail images at the top using Anchor-Links, and for added convenience, consider including a "back-to-top" link at the bottom of each index section. This ensures visitors can effortlessly return to the top, allowing them to easily explore the thumbnails and dive into another project.

Implement a Dropdown Menu and Multiple Gallery Pages

Here's another effective technique to meticulously organize your projects, and the process is remarkably straightforward.

To seamlessly integrate a drop-down menu into your primary Squarespace header menu, follow these easy steps:

  • Navigate to your Pages panel and select the + icon to create a new page.

  • Instead of adding a standard page, opt for a "folder." This folder will serve as your drop-down menu.

  • Click on the + icon again to introduce a new page. Once added, simply click and drag it into the designated folder within the Pages panel. Upon successful placement, this page will exclusively appear when you hover over your main menu folder link (you might need to refresh your page for the change to take effect).

Feel free to populate this folder with as many pages as you need, each capable of being a regular page, a gallery page, a blog, or any other creative format you envision!

Utilize the Squarespace 7.1 Portfolio Feature Page for an Effortless Showcase

portfolio Section of 7.1

An exciting enhancement for Squarespace 7.1 users comes in the form of Portfolio pages—an exclusively designed feature tailored for showcasing portfolios.

Here's a quick guide on how to add a Portfolio Page:

  • Navigate to your Main Navigation Menu and click on "Pages."

  • Press the + (plus) button to add a new page.

  • Select "Portfolio." You'll be prompted to choose a design; feel free to pick any, as you can customize it later.

And just like that, you've successfully added a new portfolio page!

Key Features of Portfolio Pages:

  • Full Customization: Enjoy the flexibility of customizing this page just like any other Squarespace 7.0 page.

  • Project Addition: Similar to a blog, you can use the + icon to add different projects.

  • Design Options: Unlike blog posts, project pages are fully customizable with a range of design options, including page sections, photo grids, slideshows, and more.

A couple of considerations:

  • Project Limit: There's a cap of 40 projects for the portfolio.

  • Draft Mode: Unlike blogs, portfolio projects can't be put in draft mode before publishing.

  • Categories and Tags: As of now, you can't add categories or tags.

  • Page Placement: Project pages can't be moved elsewhere on the site or to a different portfolio once created.

Explore the versatility of Portfolio pages to elevate your portfolio showcase!


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